Please click here to read an update from Mr Williams.
Category: Year 9
Coronavirus Update 18.03.2020
The Prime Minister and the Education Secretary have updated the nation on measures relating to the containment of the Coronavirus outbreak. Please click here to read a letter regarding the latest position.
Coronavirus Update 17.03.20
The Prime Minister and the Chief Medical Officer have updated the nation on measures relating to the containment of the Coronavirus outbreak. Please click here to read a letter regarding the latest advice.
Sports Fixtures Cancelled
Given the updated government advice and information from many of the individual Sporting National Governing Bodies, we have taken the decision to cancel all sports fixtures and extra-curricular sports clubs until further notice.
Coronavirus Update
We are aware of some stories circulating about school on social media. These are entirely false. If there is ever any news of school closures or other significant developments, we will inform you directly and post information here on the school website.
LHS Parent Bulletin 13.03.20
Click here to read the latest LHS Parent Bulletin, containing the most important notices for parents from the past two weeks, as well as key upcoming dates.
Coronavirus Update
Dear Parents and Carers
Nothing of substance has changed since our last communication on this matter, but please be assured that we are monitoring all the advice from the Department for Education (DfE) and Public Health England and will take any appropriate actions as and when necessary. For those who are concerned, the DfE has launched a new helpline to answer questions about COVID-19 related to education. Staff, parents and young people can contact the helpline as follows:
- Phone: 0800 046 8687
- Email:
- Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday)
As before, latest government information can be found here:
We are also aware of some (inaccurate) rumours circulating on social media about the lack of soap in school toilets. We don’t understand where these have come from but want to reassure parents that there is plenty of soap available in all toilets. We know of one dispenser that was broken earlier in the week, but this was fixed within 48 hours and, even in this case, there were other, working, dispensers available in those toilets. As has been the case for some time now (partly in response to issues raised at a parent forum earlier in the year) we have cleaners permanently on duty outside the toilets at lunchtimes and they frequently check the soap dispensers at these busy periods, as indeed they do throughout the whole day.
After School Sports Cancellations
After school Hockey and Year 7 Girls Football due to take place after school today (Friday 28th) has been cancelled due to the inclement weather. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
LHS Parent Bulletin 28.02.20
Click here to read the latest LHS Parent Bulletin, containing the most important notices for parents from the past two weeks, as well as key upcoming dates.
Mobile phone policy
Please click here to read a letter from the Headteacher considering changes to the school’s mobile phone policy.