Wednesday 3rd February 2021
What is Connect Four?
This is a full school day for students, but without ‘normal lessons’. It will be a day for students, without their teachers, that will involve a reduction in screen use. Instead, they will do a series of challenges, which will require thought, energy, skill, creativity and compassion.
The Four Challenges to connect are:
Why are you doing Connect Four?
In our latest Parent Survey, 58% said that it would be a good idea to have the odd day away from screens when students could focus on some different activities.
It won’t be 100% screen-free in the sense that students will need to log-on to see the tasks or upload evidence of what they have been up to, but this aspect will be absolutely minimal (and students can view the tasks the night before if they are feeling especially organised).
We believe the benefits to students will be:
- A well-earned break from remote lessons
- A reduction in ‘screen time’
- A chance to engage in some physical activity
- A chance to embrace the concept of ‘putting others first’
- A chance to be creative
- An opportunity to reflect on their mental health, especially important with this week being Children’s Mental Health Week.
Students have been instructed to keep within the Covid-19 rules when embarking on challenges and to check with their parents/carers first.
We hope students will embrace this day and if successful, it may be repeated next term. There are Hall points and Amazon Vouchers for the winners in each key stage.
- 1st £50
- 2nd £20
- 3rd £10
How do you play Connect Four?
To play Connect Four, students must complete one task in each of the four categories: Creative, Physical activity, Act of Kindness and Mental health & relaxation. The categories and tasks are listed below.
They then need to make a record of the tasks they have completed. They can do this by:
- Photos
- Videos
- Email descriptions
- Blog
- Podcast
These need to be submitted to their Form Tutor at the end of the day.
Connect Four challenges
Complete one of the creative thinking and imaginative drawing activities which are explained by a professional illustrator on this video link.
Turn a T-shirt into a tote bag challenge. Here is a great video explanation. Ask Permission first!!
Create a TikTok dance video.
Make an aeroplane and record how far it can fly. Perhaps make a catapult to launch it.
Create some upcycled Shadow Puppets.
Build a bridge out of household items and test how much weight it can hold.
Create a stop motion animation with household items.
Make a wildlife habitat in your garden for a bird, bat or hedgehog,
Create a ‘marble run’. What is the longest run you can create?
Re-create a piece of art using materials found around the house.
Complete an unfinished piece of work or create revision cards on a topic/subject.
Design a maths game or poster that will help you revise one of the topics you have covered.
Create a play, do some comedy, perform a monologue, tell a story, or make up a show. But it can only be 1-minute long! Let your imagination run wild and, most importantly, have fun.
Learn a new card game.
Knit a hat for the Special Care baby unit.
Visit an online museum. Most of the famous ones are online.
Create your ideal line-up for a music festival. Think about what stages you would like and what kind of artists would be appropriate. Where would you locate it?
Have a karaoke session with friends and family.
Make a lockdown time capsule.
Learn some new greeting phrases in a foreign language.
Plan your ideal holiday. Where would you go? What would you do?
Plant some seeds ready for the summer.
‘Get your salsa on’. Use this link to try out a salsa class.
Bodyweight Hit Workout with Rob Eades.
Head out on a bike ride. You must pass a shop and a place of worship.
Head out on a bike ride and record your activity on a free App (Strava?).
Go on a socially distanced walk with a family member or a pet. Record your activity on an App.
Play a racquet sport over a homemade net and be creative in your racquet choice.
Do 100 sit ups and 100 burpees -‘feel the burn’!
Complete a 5K or 10K run.
Play Just Dance or a similar dancing video game.
- Why not link your activity to our fundraising initiative and help raise funds for the NHS?
Make a meal or a snack for a family member. Check out these health tips and making a healthy chocolate mousse video for inspiration.
Make a photo collage and send it to a friend or relative to remind them of the good times they’ve had and the good times which will come again soon.
Organise a virtual get-together for someone who is going through a tough time.
Clear out some old clothes ready to take to a charity shop.
Tidy your brother/sister’s bedroom.
Do the washing up.
Wash the car.
Help with tidying up outside spaces/garden.
Take the dog for a walk.
Make a phone call to check on a relative and say hi.
Do the ironing (get permission and be safe).
Make a get well card for someone that is unwell.
Write a letter of encouragement to a child you know is having a hard time.
Write a letter to the residents of a local care home and tell them what you’ve been up to during lockdown. Check with your parents first.
Write a letter telling a friend how much you appreciate them.
‘Lie Down & Listen’. Find a yoga session on YouTube.
Body Positivity Talk with Scarlett Moffatt and Chessie King.
Listen to a mindfulness podcast.
Try to have a go at meditation.
Watch a mindfulness programme on Netflix or Youtube.
Find a recipe and bake a cake.
Design a maths game or poster that will help you revise one of the topics you have covered.
Sit back and relax and listen to an educational podcast.
Read a few chapters of a book.
Create a song or a rap.