KS3 Revision

Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 & 9) is a crucial time for our students and we consider it their ‘formative years’ in school. We believe the KS3 curriculum offers breadth, challenge and stimulates students’ interest in subjects for the next stage of their education. It is well-known that excellent examination results are made in KS3, during which time students gain the core foundations of knowledge and understanding which they need to be ready to apply to more complex content during KS4.

During KS3, students will sit formal exams in English, Maths and Science in January, and in English, Maths, Science, Humanities and Languages in May/June each year.

Scores in these exams are reported formally alongside the average (median) % and the top 10% scores, and these are reported on the website.

In the KS3 Revision Booklet, you can find out what topics these exams will cover in your child’s year group, what activities your child should be doing to prepare for them, and how you can help them to do their best in these assessments.

Click the button below to view the KS3 Revision Guide.

Click here to download a KS3 blank revision timetable template.

Click here to download the KS3 Exams assembly.