KS5 BTEC Hospitality

Key Stage 5

In the sixth form we offer BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Hospitality, equivalent to 1 A level and continually assessed throughout the 2 year course.

The BTEC is made up of a variety of units designed to give pupils an insight into the hospitality industry and potential career opportunities. Strong links with local hospitality businesses, have been developed which provide students with an opportunity for work experience and in readiness for this, they will work in Chapters, the department’s restaurant and training kitchen.

Year 12

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Unit 1

The Hospitality Industry



Unit 3

Providing customer service in hospitality

Unit 11

Asian food

Unit 2

Principles of supervising customer service

Performance in hospitality

 Year 13

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Unit 10

European Food

Unit 6

Food and drinks Service

Unit 22

Planning and managing a hospitality event



Pupils are assessed each lesson which can be either or all of the following; self assessment, peer assessment and teacher assessment. KS5 are continually assessed through witness statements, observations and written assignments.


Homework consists of a variety of differentiated tasks which will aid pupil learning and demonstrate pupil understanding on a regular basis.

Homework is set on a weekly basis. 


Useful Information:

Lunchtime support clubs are on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.



5 ways I can help my child

1 Talk to your child about what they have been studying in school. Ask them to explain key concepts to you.


Allow them to cook as often as possible.


Watch cooking programmes/ visit food fairs and discuss techniques being used.
4 Encourage them to read around the subject.


Talk to them about their progress and attainment.