Key Stage 4 Btec Tech Award Level 2 Health and Social Care (New September 2022)
What does the qualification cover?
The Tech Award gives learners the opportunity to develop applied knowledge in the following areas:
- The life stages and key characteristics in the physical, intellectual, emotional and social (PIES) development classifications, and the different factors that can affect an individual’s growth and development
- Different life events and how individuals can adapt or be supported through changes caused by life events
- Health and social care conditions, how they can be managed by the individual, and the different health and social care services that are available
- The barriers and obstacles an individual may encounter and how these can be overcome
- The skills, attributes and values required to give care and how these benefit the individual
- How factors can affect an individual’s current health and wellbeing
- How physiological indicators and an individual’s lifestyle choices determine physical health
- The use of the person-centred approach
- Recommendations and actions to improving health and wellbeing, the barriers or obstacles individuals may face when following recommendations, and the support available to overcome.
Component 1 | Human Lifespan development |
Coursework Year 10 30% |
Component 2 | Health and social care services and values |
Coursework Year 11 30% |
Component 3 | Health and wellbeing |
Exam in Year 11 40% |
How will you be graded?
You will receive marks for each component. These marks will be added together to calculate a final grade. Grades are awarded from level 1 pass through to level 2 distinction *. Your teacher will communicate marks for each component once work has been submitted, marked and externally moderated by the exam board. This will allow you to track your progress throughout the course.
You will be set deadlines for coursework to be submitted. These deadlines MUST be met. Failure to submit work by the given deadlines will result in a component being incomplete. This is the responsibility of the student to ensure work is submitted to teachers when requested. Deadlines will be given well in advance so you can plan accordingly.
Plagiarism, copying other students work, or directly copying from textbooks and the internet is taken seriously and will result in coursework failure. All coursework must be the individual’s own work.