"I am a reader, not because I don't have a life, but because I choose to have MANY."
– Anonymous –
The Independent Learning Centre (ILC) offers excellent facilities to support students and staff at Lymm High School with the provision of traditional books and journals alongside the latest in computer and internet access. The ILC is a central learning base for lessons and research, as well as being a popular area where reading for pleasure and extra-curricular activities take place.
The ILC aims to:
Be a centre for information in school.
Provide resources to support the curriculum and private study.
Promote a love of books and reading.
Help pupils to develop information literacy and critical thinking skills.
Provide a welcoming and well-resourced area in which to study, read and feel comfortable.
Independent Learning Centre Manager | Ms J Timson BA MA
Independent Learning Centre Assistant | Mrs K Cheney
The ILC is currently open daily from 9–3pm, and during lesson times is used by Sixth Form students for private study, and for cross-curricular teaching.
A member of ILC staff is available to offer study skills advice and to assist students and staff with their research during the school day. The area is also open to targeted student groups before and after school – students involved will be individually invited to attend.
We currently have capacity for 55 students to access the ILC during break and lunchtime when help is available from ILC staff. This is a good time to access computers and the colour printer for school work, and to borrow and return resources from the school library collection. We would encourage anyone with school library books at home to return them during these sessions so that we can make as many titles as possible available for this academic year.

Our Online Catalogue
For students who are self-isolating or prefer to browse books from home we have a full library catalogue which provides details of over 12,000 resources held in the ILC along with over 900 linked websites. It can be accessed at http://u012275.microlibrarian.net or by downloading the iMLS app. The site has a quick, easy access search box in the top right-hand corner of the home page. Students are encouraged to log in to their individual accounts using their library barcode number as both username and password. When logged into the site there are options to write reviews, reserve books, create virtual bookshelves, and much more! Once you know which books you would like to borrow you can make requests in person by speaking to library staff, or by emailing ilc@lymmhigh.org.uk with the author and title details so that we can find and reserve the books ready for your next library visit. Year 7-11 pupils can borrow up to 3 books and Sixth Form students up to 10 books. The usual loan period is 3 weeks but books can be renewed as necessary.
If you would like more information on using the online catalogue please click HERE.
You can also access Ebooks and Audiobooks through a free student reading app called Sora.
Sora currently holds over 1600 titles that be accessed on a computer, tablet or smartphone either through soraapp.com, or by downloading the Sora app.
When logging onto the site for the first time you will be asked to put in your ‘setup code’ at the bottom of the screen. The setup code is ‘uksecondary’, and ‘Lymm High School’ should then be available from the drop-down list. Type in your usual school email and password to get started with your individual account.
All books are free and can be borrowed for 14 days (and renewed if necessary). The formats and fonts of most books can be changed to suit individual reading needs and a dyslexia friendly font is also available.
If you would like more information on using SORA please click HERE.